Happy VD!

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I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day. And yes, before you wonder, I am single. However, I have never been a fan of Valentine's Day. I mean c'mon people, why is it that once a year you have to make a public show of how much you love someone? I'm that girl that when you ask me what I want for Valentine's Day and I say nothing, I mean it. Don't buy me chocolate, don't get me a stuffed animal, don't even bother trying to take me out to dinner. You should do this sporadically throughout the year. Don't let American corporations dictate when you should show me how much you love me. Besides, it's pretty easy to go to a store and buy a box of chocolates but it's really hard to turn down plans with your friends to come see a show I've spent 6 weeks working on. That's love. Someone who can put their needs below my happiness once and a while. Not just on a day that society has decided is important.
I'm sure most of you are thinking something along the lines of, "just shut up you single, jaded girl." Seriously though, this has nothing to do with being jaded. I like my single life. Sure it's not easy to be the 3th or 5th wheel with my friends sometimes but I adore my friends and at the end of the day, I have people to call when I need a hug. I don't need the 'girlfriend' title to feel important. My friends are my family and I love them each. They will drop their lives for me at 3 am if I need them to and I would quickly do the same in return. Spend an hour in a high school classroom full of freshmen on Valentine's Day and you will find yourself thinking the holiday is just as repulsive. I found myself wondering all day long how many of these 'relationships' would last the week and how many of these 'gifts' were bought with more than sex on the mind.
I'll get off my high horse now. But it seriously made my day when I said, "happy VD" to a co-worker and admitted I hate Valentine's Day; to which he replied, "I hate VD." Sometimes, it's the little things in life.