Enjoy the Journey

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Life has changed quite a big lately. I'd love to say that it's changed because I made some personal decision to better myself or some drastic life-altering event has occurred lately but alas, it is not so. I came to the realization the other day that I was happy. Not happy as in, okay yes that'll do but happy as in, can't quit smiling and nothing phases me happy. It's been quite some time since I was happy. I was having a conversation about mom and high school the other evening and realized that I don't think I've been genuinely just happy since before mom died. I had gotten into a groove. I was walking through life without really taking anything in or letting anyone get close to me that didn't work really hard for it. And a couple months ago I met a guy that is the complete opposite of me. Every fault I have, he doesn't possess. Which is weird. I tend to be tied to not so great guys in my history and right now that just isn't the case. I'm crazy and neurotic and slightly insane at times. Nothing phases this man. He glides through life totally content to live in the moment and just hope things work out well. He doesn't freak out about things like I do. He takes the time to watch movies and do things for himself, which we all know is something I'm rather horrible at. But it's changed things. I've found myself being able to let go of the crazy neurotic moments more and more and focus more on the moment instead of worrying about where I'm going to be as soon as this piece of my schedule is complete. I have begun scheduling free time. A bit backwards if you ask me but it works. He has forced me to stop and smell the roses. And this my friends, is where I divulge the secret to life. You have to work hard to get where you want to be but you have to enjoy the journey. Because some day you may get to your goal but all too often we fall short. And if you don't enjoy the journey, you will have nothing that made the journey worth it.