My Turn

10:40 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Have you ever had a crush on someone and then suddenly they meet your friend, and they're head over heels for them?  It's not like I should expect different, everyone who meets her thinks she's totally great and instantly crushes on her.  But seriously folks, c'mon.  She's not single, she isn't interested in someone who has a crush on her basically based off looks.  She's NOT INTERESTED!  So quit wasting your time, and realize that I'm around.  I have been supporting you, I have been waiting for you to admit you like me, I have put in the it's MY turn.  But maybe it's not, so when do I get that guy?

Moving Out

6:54 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm moving out in August to an apartment with a friend, and I'm freaking out.  Sometimes I feel like I won't be able to make it and I'll have to move back home and admit defeat.  I don't want to and I'm so hoping it won't happen to me, but I'm afraid it will.  I suppose everyone goes through this, but still...I feel so alone.  I hope everyone out there knows, you just have to have the will power and it will work out.  I hate feeling alone, you are not alone in your fears.

In the end...

8:22 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Haven't posted in quite a while.  Needed a distraction and thought of you.  I am quite surprised with how often I find myself wanting to type so many things and when I sit down to actually type something out, I can't find the words to say what I want.  The anniversary of my mother's death is fast approaching and it honestly makes me feel like I'm going crazy.  After 4 years, I still find myself thinking of things I want to share with her, or things I want to buy her.  It's the only reason I hope I leave an impact on someone.  I want someone to miss me as much as I miss her.  Some days I don't think I will have someone like that.  Some days I think I will.  It just depends on my mood, but I sure hope someone misses me when I'm gone.  What else is all this for?