Theatre, theatre and more theatre

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Having been in college for as long as I have I sometimes find myself wondering if I actually know what I'm doing with my life and whether or not I actually picked something I can stand doing for an extended period of time.  It seems like the longer I do things the more I get bored with them.  I had a friend tell me the other day that when your hobby becomes your work it is no longer fun.  I'm hoping that is not going to be true.  I love Theatre and I would never give it up for anything.  But if I'm doing it all day at work, all day after school and all night will it become just too much for me?

I feel that the longer I stay in the Theatre Department at my school the less fun Theatre there becomes.  I have met some amazing people and I am so thankful that they are or were a part of my life.  Hopefully a few of them will continue to be a part of my life in the future.  But after so many years of being around it just seems like the fun of it all is beginning to get sucked out of everything I do there.  It seems like the stress and drama are beginning to get to me and I can't wait to get out and discover a new world of Theatre that I haven't been able to to be a part of.

This doesn't mean that I don't work on shows that I have an amazing time.  I loved Rent (see post) and I'm having a blast with Rumors right now.  It just seems that the drama is getting overwhelming.  Seriously people there are a few rules everyone should follow when working on any Theatre production and I feel the need to list them for your reference:

1. Be on time.  Don't get stuck in traffic because you waited until the last second to leave home.
3. If you forget a line just admit it.  Don't waste everyone's time by saying something stupid and silly.
4. Meetings, meetings, meetings!
5. Diva's are not cute and they do not get their way with the people who are running the show.
6. Don't chastise people in front of everyone.  Wait to do your yelling or lecturing in private.  It only causes problems.

There's just some rules to begin with.  Later we will add to this list.  Hopefully by then I will know what I want to do with my life.