New Years

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New Years always brings about tons of people making promises that they won't end up keeping and with the surge of social media these promises are often publicly broadcast but it seems that no one holds each other accountable anymore. I can't decide if people don't point out to their friend that they vowed to work out 3 times a week but doesn't or if their boyfriend promised to spend more time with them but doesn't because they didn't keep up with their resolutions either or if they are just too wussy to point out to someone that they failed.
I have never made huge resolutions on New Years. When I was a kid I did the "I'm going to watch less TV" thing or the "I'm going to eat more vegetables this year" thing but I was never successful. As I grew older I began to realize that this holiday sets everyone up for disappointment. Let's face it. We just had a month-long holiday celebration where we spent too much money on gifts and decorations, ate too much candy and didn't work out as much as we should have. This can only lead a person to make promises about these things that they can't keep and people are rarely successful when they are reacting to a situation that is too new or they are only doing something because it is expected of them.
It is always best to make promises that you can keep and since I do not like making New Years Resolutions, even the one that says I won't make one, I am going to make some promises to myself right here in social media public.
#1-I promise to work hard at my new job.
#2-I promise to not point out everything about my boyfriend that annoys me. Especially in front of his friends.
#3-I promise to continue to call my grandmother at least every other day.
#4-I promise to contact my father once a week, regardless of our schedules.
#5-I promise to begin paying into that IRA I had set up.
#6-I promise to keep every promise I make.

That should about do it. You should think about this friends. Instead of making promises you can't keep, make a promise to yourself to be better than you were before, or at the very least not be worse.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! and safe driving tonight if you venture out.