A Lifetime Ago

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It seems like it's been forever since I've posted in here. A little over a year is all that has passed but that seems like a different lifetime than I'm living in now. My most climactic moment in life happened recently. Not sure you get to do shows like that more than once in a lifetime. Backup - I stage managed Rent, for Washburn University/Helen Hocker and words cannot begin to express what that experience was like. I went into the project assuming I was going to be stressed out beyond belief with all the drama a 19 person cast brings onto themselves. Amazingly, the only drama I had to deal with was from a select few people and my production team (which is made up of professors or paid Hocker workers). I couldn't have asked for a better cast. There is usually a lot of issues when you have to call people at 10:30 at night and change their call time to earlier for the next evening. Not this group - no one complained and everyone gave up time with friends, family and children to be at rehearsal whenever we asked. I'm not going to lie and say I took this show with no stress - those of you who were around witnessed some of my craziest moments - but everything went exceptionally smoothly for such a large show. We even managed to sell out one night and came pretty damned close the other 6 nights. The experience was cathartic for just about everyone involved and I wouldn't have been able to choose a better group of people to go through that with. My crew was absolutely on point all the time and did everything that was asked without question. Even picking up jobs that weren't their responsibility. This experience was life-altering and I will never be able to forget it or the people that experienced it with me. To all involved - thank you for making my dreams come true (and I'm still in college!), you and your dedication did not go unnoticed or unappreciated!

Usually I go easily to the next show. This one will not be that simple but I'm taking it a moment at a time and a day at a time until some other show comes up again. Just remember - NO DAY BUT TODAY!

Love you all!


Lindsey said...

I love you! Thank YOU for all your hard work in this show! We couldn't have asked for a better SM! :)