Summer Time

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Summer time is among us. Most of the time for me that would mean working full-time, avoiding the humidity and trying to outrun the wasps that swarm my dad's porch every year around this time.  This year, instead of the normal summer, I have begun my summer with classes.  Okay wait.  Isn't summer supposed to be a break from school?  Last time I checked college was supposed to be different than high school.  To me that meant time to breathe, go to leisurely lunches with friends and run errands or make doctor's appointments in the middle of the afternoon.  I didn't get that.  Instead college feels like a 6 year extension to my already exhausting 4 year high school career.  To top it off, I don't even get the 3 month summer breaks now.  Instead I got a few weeks (with house guests) to try and work as much as possible so that I could prepare for these classes.  Now I've started my month of classes and once that's over will only have a month and a half to work as much as possible before I go back to school and do it all over again.  It's days like this that make me realize I cannot wait to graduate.  But then other days I realize that I have no definite plan for after graduation and at least this way people don't ask questions when I tell them I work part time.  Summer is supposed to be about less stress.  So far this one isn't cracking up to be like that.