Life's Rollercoaster

4:40 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Life has been a tad crazy lately. I'm just glad I have some amazing friends. It's funny how you think your life has finally come full circle and things are going to work out the way that they should and then you're suddenly blind-sided. Life was great and I thought I'd finally found my American Dream. Boy was I wrong. But after some serious crying and being depressed, I've managed to work my way back to where I was before the whole thing started. I'm so lucky to have friends that just love me to death and will put up with my crazy girl moments when they happen. Cling to the people who accept you for the real you and forget the bad times in your life. Life is short, full of heartache and we all end up same in the long run. Enjoy the marathon everyone!


2:12 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

This is perhaps my favorite building ever. The sides are permanently discolored and always look like rain water is running down the side. While driving down the street one day I grabbed my camera and snapped away as I drove by.

My mother loved flowers. These were planted outside our house every year since I can remember. I'm pretty sure my dad keeps them around because they make him think of her. Every time it rains and the raindrops stick to the petals I can't help but think that someone is crying for my mom.

Outside my apartment building is the back side of a strip mall. Although the toilets have now been removed (not sure I want to know where they went) I couldn't pass up this classic shot. What makes it better? It's the service entrance to a grocery store!


12:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I have a lot of friends who assume that because I have lost a parent no death can possibly ever be as hard for me as that was. But I think these 'friends' forget that just because I know some really bad pain when it comes to losing someone close to you, doesn't mean I don't still feel pain. Let's be honest, chances are most people who lose a parent at an emotionally immature stage of their development probably never fully recover or even comes to terms with what has happened and the impact that an event like that has on one's life. I mean when a person is that young there is just no way to wrap their mind around the things that will never be the same or the parts of life that they will not be privy to even though everyone else is. So assuming that that statement is true then one must assume that a person who never coped correctly with a large loss in their life is still emotionally unprepared to handle death, regardless of who the person is to you. Therefore perhaps people should stop assuming that death does not affect these people in the same way. Seriously. Get real. Death is hard on anyone. Even if they look fine, chances are they are not having a fine time with life at the moment. And I'm sorry you live in a world where your biggest problem is that your boyfriend has to work close on the night you wanted to watch some chick flick but the rest of the world has real issues. So tune into your friends and get a clue. Do everyone a favor and stop worrying so much about yourself and pretend for a few minutes that the people around you might have bigger things to deal with and sometimes all it takes is someone to notice.

A picture explains my mind

9:11 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
My friend recently told me he was taking a challenge to take a photo every week to fit the theme.  Some online challenge thing he found.  I decided to tell my year in photos.  Right now, with school looming right around the corner, this is how I feel.

I actually took this photo in the country by where I live at sunset.  After some cropping and slight color manipulation, it's perfect.

Snow Day

10:30 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Once you leave behind high school you remain under the assumption that you will still be granted snow days in college.  Little do you know that professors obviously have no self-preservation and that colleges rarely shut down the entire college just because of some snow on the ground.  The people who make those kinds of decisions rarely come in on those days when there's snow on the ground but still force everyone else to find a way to get to class.  The sooner you realize that snow days do not happen in college, the happier you will be.  Some professors from out of town might cancel because of the highways, or if they have children that they need to watch due to their elementary school being cancelled but for the most part, you never get so lucky.

Working with children gives me the satisfaction of a snow day.  I still get that giddy feeling in my stomach when I wake up and see snow on the ground.  I run to the TV and find the station closest to the USD number I want to see and anxiously await for that number to pop up on the screen.  Even if it doesn't show up, I will watch it after showering just to make sure they haven't changed their minds.  Something about snow days makes everyone act like a small child again.

Then there's the pull between curling up like an adult on the couch with some hot cocoa or bundling up in multiple layers of clothing and playing in the snow like the other small children down the block.  You could justify building the snowman as part of your adult duties because those children need to know how to construct the biggest snowman on the block.  Or you could justify starting a snowball fight because they need to know you're still boss.

Snow days are still fun for everyone.  Mothers and father who complain about having the kids home with them now just need to be reminded of the excitement they felt on learning it was a snow day.  Sometimes you have to give your kids the small joys in life.  Throw on some parachute pants and shove them out the door.  Let them run around until they're so cold they can't stand it.  Make them some cocoa and put their boots over the heater to dry.  Let them learn what you learned as a child in the snow.  That no matter how much snow falls that they cancel school for, you never get tired of snow days.