
12:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I have a lot of friends who assume that because I have lost a parent no death can possibly ever be as hard for me as that was. But I think these 'friends' forget that just because I know some really bad pain when it comes to losing someone close to you, doesn't mean I don't still feel pain. Let's be honest, chances are most people who lose a parent at an emotionally immature stage of their development probably never fully recover or even comes to terms with what has happened and the impact that an event like that has on one's life. I mean when a person is that young there is just no way to wrap their mind around the things that will never be the same or the parts of life that they will not be privy to even though everyone else is. So assuming that that statement is true then one must assume that a person who never coped correctly with a large loss in their life is still emotionally unprepared to handle death, regardless of who the person is to you. Therefore perhaps people should stop assuming that death does not affect these people in the same way. Seriously. Get real. Death is hard on anyone. Even if they look fine, chances are they are not having a fine time with life at the moment. And I'm sorry you live in a world where your biggest problem is that your boyfriend has to work close on the night you wanted to watch some chick flick but the rest of the world has real issues. So tune into your friends and get a clue. Do everyone a favor and stop worrying so much about yourself and pretend for a few minutes that the people around you might have bigger things to deal with and sometimes all it takes is someone to notice.