
8:12 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
I find it hard to believe that on Wednesday I will be leaving to shoot a movie.  I have the feeling I get shortly before tech week starts for a theatre production except this time I'm not in a theatre.  I'm on a movie set.  AHHHHHHHHHHH!  I'm hoping that with the experience I've had thinking on my feet and solving problems instantly I will be okay but I'm beginning to wonder if I know enough about makeup to see this through.  My only saving grace is that he can't be expecting perfection because I am just a student.  An unpaid student at that.  Or is that what he's expecting?  Everything always seems to work out in the end in theatre, and I'm hoping that the movies are the same way.  It may not be perfect, but it'll be damned close!  I have packed and prepped everything I can possibly think of and then a few things that I doubt I will need but just in case they're gonna be there.  Stage manager preparedness coming in handy.  I suppose soon we will find out if I have what it takes to make it in film or if I should just stick to plain ol' live theatre.  Wish me luck!


8:02 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
So I have to admit that I'm not a huge activist type.  I do however not appreciate it when corporations walk all over people and nature with no concern for the impact that they are making.  You want to figure out if they did anything illegal?  Of course they did!  They're endangering the lives of thousands of people!  Does that not count as a crime anymore?  Oh wait, it's just not a crime when you make that much money right?  Everyone wants to boycott Bp...I say buy all the gas from them you can.  They're gonna need the money to clean all this mess up.  To make matters worse, they aren't listening to anyone's ideas like they said they would!  You call today and they'll listen to you many years?  It's about time they be required to stay accountable to the public.  No more lies!  Action only!

Blue Lucifer

7:37 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

This horse (named Blue Lucifer) was constructed outside of the Denver International Airport.  It is reportedly staying until 2013.  This was not discovered until a facebook group was started asking the horse to be removed and the information was presented to the Mayor.  As if flying wasn't scary enough already now people have this to look forward to as they enter or exit the Denver Airport.  In case you're curious, this is the God of Famine.  Ironic?  I would say so.  Sadistic?  Definitely!


12:02 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I always tell people I never want to be married.  The conversation I had today is the only proof I need.  Never will I have to worry about how I'm going to afford to feed everyone.  Never will I have to worry about how I look in a wedding dress.  Never will I have to worry about who gets along with who and what music will make everyone happy.  Who wants salmon and who wants chicken?  What do I care!?  If the wedding is outside will I have a place to go if it rains?  Let it rain baby!  These are just a few of the things my friends have to worry about that I don't plan on having to consider.  Besides, if I do get married sometime I could really care less about feeding everyone dinner, if they eat meat or not, who they want to talk to or don't and it's my wedding so we can listen to my music!  It seems like everyone spends so much time trying to make their friends and family members happy on their wedding day instead of focusing on themselves.  In the end, no one is looking out for you but yourself.  It's your big day, one you should never forget.  Focus on you and anyone who doesn't like it, doesn't have to celebrate with you.

Summer Time

8:14 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Summer time is among us. Most of the time for me that would mean working full-time, avoiding the humidity and trying to outrun the wasps that swarm my dad's porch every year around this time.  This year, instead of the normal summer, I have begun my summer with classes.  Okay wait.  Isn't summer supposed to be a break from school?  Last time I checked college was supposed to be different than high school.  To me that meant time to breathe, go to leisurely lunches with friends and run errands or make doctor's appointments in the middle of the afternoon.  I didn't get that.  Instead college feels like a 6 year extension to my already exhausting 4 year high school career.  To top it off, I don't even get the 3 month summer breaks now.  Instead I got a few weeks (with house guests) to try and work as much as possible so that I could prepare for these classes.  Now I've started my month of classes and once that's over will only have a month and a half to work as much as possible before I go back to school and do it all over again.  It's days like this that make me realize I cannot wait to graduate.  But then other days I realize that I have no definite plan for after graduation and at least this way people don't ask questions when I tell them I work part time.  Summer is supposed to be about less stress.  So far this one isn't cracking up to be like that.