
8:12 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
I find it hard to believe that on Wednesday I will be leaving to shoot a movie.  I have the feeling I get shortly before tech week starts for a theatre production except this time I'm not in a theatre.  I'm on a movie set.  AHHHHHHHHHHH!  I'm hoping that with the experience I've had thinking on my feet and solving problems instantly I will be okay but I'm beginning to wonder if I know enough about makeup to see this through.  My only saving grace is that he can't be expecting perfection because I am just a student.  An unpaid student at that.  Or is that what he's expecting?  Everything always seems to work out in the end in theatre, and I'm hoping that the movies are the same way.  It may not be perfect, but it'll be damned close!  I have packed and prepped everything I can possibly think of and then a few things that I doubt I will need but just in case they're gonna be there.  Stage manager preparedness coming in handy.  I suppose soon we will find out if I have what it takes to make it in film or if I should just stick to plain ol' live theatre.  Wish me luck!