
8:02 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
So I have to admit that I'm not a huge activist type.  I do however not appreciate it when corporations walk all over people and nature with no concern for the impact that they are making.  You want to figure out if they did anything illegal?  Of course they did!  They're endangering the lives of thousands of people!  Does that not count as a crime anymore?  Oh wait, it's just not a crime when you make that much money right?  Everyone wants to boycott Bp...I say buy all the gas from them you can.  They're gonna need the money to clean all this mess up.  To make matters worse, they aren't listening to anyone's ideas like they said they would!  You call today and they'll listen to you in....how many years?  It's about time they be required to stay accountable to the public.  No more lies!  Action only!