
10:05 PM Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
The typical American college student probably waits until the end of a deadline to complete a paper, but very few probably write the paper literally hours before it is due.  With the kind of schedule that I keep, I would like to think that I am fairly efficient, but the one thing that always seems to wait until literally moments before it is due is papers.  I will spare the niceties and just state, I'm a hell of a writer when I want to be and writing a 10 page paper is not an issue....once I start writing it.  However, I tend to wait until the few hours before it is due to complete the paper and scramble to find a place to print the paper off so that it can be handed in by the deadline.  Even when I'm faced with that strict of a deadline, I still seem to find a way to put off writing the paper and even now I find myself updating my blog instead of writing the 15 page paper that's deadline is quickly creeping nearer.  Procrastination at it's best...the internet blogger!

Being a Girl

2:34 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
I was raised by both of my parents, but being the second girl in my family I was inclined to follow my father around and be his little tom-boy.  Since my dad always said he had wanted a boy, I tried to keep him happy by shooting bow and arrow, working in his shop, fixing cars, playing sports and not caring about looks.  Once I grew up a little, I realized that I liked being the girl that could get ready to go in less than 15 minutes (including a shower) and I never had to worry about a lot of the things my friends stress over.  For instance, my friends are constantly pulling up their pants because their butt crack or thong is hanging out.  I never have to worry if there's ice on the ground when wearing tennis shoes, but they are constantly checking outside to make sure their heels can make it to their next class.  I never have to worry about quick bathroom runs to check my make-up or weigh down my purse with the "daily essentials" to keep myself looking good.  I never complain about flat hair, frizzy hair or my hair cut because my hair is always up in a pony tail.  Spill something on my shirt?  Oh well, it's a t-shirt, I'll buy another.  No $50 shirt for me!  Why waste time fixing my nail polish, I don't wear it to begin with.  Eye itch?  Itch it, there's not make-up on my face to begin with.  Don't get me wrong.  I love my friends that are girls, however few there may be, but it is a bit annoying how much time and effort goes into pampering themselves.  Forget pampering, I'm talking general upkeep as far as they're concerned!  This is why, I'm happy to be the girl that I am.

Twas the Night - Marine

2:34 PM Posted In , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,

I gazed round the room and cherished the sight.

My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,

my daughter beside me, angelic in rest.

Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,

transforming the yard to a winter delight.

The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,

completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.

My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,

Secure and surrounded by love i would sleep.

In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,

So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.


The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,

but I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.

Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, then the

sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.

My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,

and I crept to the door just to see who was near.

Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,

A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.


A  soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,

perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.

Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,

standing watch over me, my wife and my child.

"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,

"Come in this momment, it's freezing out here!

Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,

you should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"


For barely a momment I saw his eyes shift,

Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts...

To the window that danced with a warm fire's light.

Then he sighed and he said, "It's really alright,

I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."

"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,

that seperates you from the darkest of times.


No one had to ask or beg or implore me,

I'm pround to stand here like my fathers before me.

My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December,"

Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."

My dad stood watch in the jungles of 'Nam' ,

And now it is my turn and so, here I am.


I've not seen my own son in more then a while,

but my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile."

Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,

The red, white, and blue... an American flag.

"I can live through the cold and the being alone,

away from my family, my house and my home.

I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,

I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.

I can carry the weight of killing another,

or lay down my life with my sister and brother...

who stand at the front against any and all,

to ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."


"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,

your family is waiting and I'll be alright."

"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,

"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?

It seems all to little for all that you've done,

For being away from your wife and your son."


Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,

"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,

To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

For when we come home, either standing or dead,

To know you remember we fought and we bled.

Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,

That we mattered to you as much as you mattered to us."

College student barely overcomes a children's swing

2:20 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
A girl gets stuck in a children's swing, and her friends stand by and laugh. Obviously no matter how much college she's had, she'll never be smarter than a five year old!

read more | digg story


8:13 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Finally found out the guy who caused me to crash into him has insurance.  Before I discovered this, I found out a lot of interesting things about insurance here in my wonderful state.  Apparently, uninsured motorist insurance only covers medical.  Also, if I had filed with my insurance company, I would have been at risk of losing my insurance, mostly because they are low risk and even though I didn't cause the crash, it's still marked as an accident and makes me a risk.  Wow, they'll do anything to drop people.  Another interesting fact, the passengers in his car, can sue me for not attempting to avoid the accident and without skid  marks on the road, I can't prove I did slam on my breaks and I would be at fault for their medical bills.  Wait...he caused the crash, but I'm at fault for them getting hurt...hmmm, interesting.  Since he didn't provide proof of insurance immediately, he is not required to provide it to me ever because he's been cited for not having it, but luckily he was nice enough to call me with his insurance information.  The wonderful, wonderful world of auto insurance.  So watch out when you get in an accident.  Ask a ton of questions, because even if you didn't cause the crash, you still will get screwed in the end.

Car Accident

3:04 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
So I was just involved in a car wreck.  Definitely not my fault.  The other car ran a stop sign and I didn't have time to stop.  I slammed on my breaks right as I hit them full on and totaled my car.  There were 4 people in their car.  Two of them had to go to the hospital.  The driver was unconscious and the other one was his girlfriend.  The two in the back seat were ok I suppose.  The guy in the back cut his face open and the girl was just bawling hysterically.  It happened so fast, I'm still not sure what happened.  I remember seeing them in front of me and knowing I didn't have anywhere else to go.  Then I remember the air bag exploding and then I remember it being over with and jumping out of my car to go help them.  My horn was going off and the girls were screaming and crying.  Another guy stopped to help.  He knew about first aid, so did I, so we helped everyone else in the car.  I called 911 as we helped them and then the paramedics showed up.  The cops said it wasn't my fault, but I have to go get their information later because of them going to the hospital.  My head hurts pretty bad, and my hand got jammed into the steering wheel.  The only marks I have is that you can see where the airbag hit my arm.  And by the way, airbag dust takes sickeningly gross!


11:40 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
I have always found blogging to be a bit overrated.  However, sometimes it's nice to think that people actually read what you write.  Having a place to write things down that could possibly someday, be seen by another human being who is breathing air, kinda makes me want to try this all out.  I suppose you can tell, by the title of this blog, that I don't have a lot to talk about.  Well, wait...alot to talk about isn't the correct term.  I don't have anything in particular to talk about.  I already have another blog where I talk about my job and all the BS that happens there.  So I figure this is just going to be the random things I find and the random things I find important enough to talk about.  Thus begins our journey into the world of complete, and utter randomness...