
8:13 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Finally found out the guy who caused me to crash into him has insurance.  Before I discovered this, I found out a lot of interesting things about insurance here in my wonderful state.  Apparently, uninsured motorist insurance only covers medical.  Also, if I had filed with my insurance company, I would have been at risk of losing my insurance, mostly because they are low risk and even though I didn't cause the crash, it's still marked as an accident and makes me a risk.  Wow, they'll do anything to drop people.  Another interesting fact, the passengers in his car, can sue me for not attempting to avoid the accident and without skid  marks on the road, I can't prove I did slam on my breaks and I would be at fault for their medical bills.  Wait...he caused the crash, but I'm at fault for them getting hurt...hmmm, interesting.  Since he didn't provide proof of insurance immediately, he is not required to provide it to me ever because he's been cited for not having it, but luckily he was nice enough to call me with his insurance information.  The wonderful, wonderful world of auto insurance.  So watch out when you get in an accident.  Ask a ton of questions, because even if you didn't cause the crash, you still will get screwed in the end.