Car Accident

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So I was just involved in a car wreck.  Definitely not my fault.  The other car ran a stop sign and I didn't have time to stop.  I slammed on my breaks right as I hit them full on and totaled my car.  There were 4 people in their car.  Two of them had to go to the hospital.  The driver was unconscious and the other one was his girlfriend.  The two in the back seat were ok I suppose.  The guy in the back cut his face open and the girl was just bawling hysterically.  It happened so fast, I'm still not sure what happened.  I remember seeing them in front of me and knowing I didn't have anywhere else to go.  Then I remember the air bag exploding and then I remember it being over with and jumping out of my car to go help them.  My horn was going off and the girls were screaming and crying.  Another guy stopped to help.  He knew about first aid, so did I, so we helped everyone else in the car.  I called 911 as we helped them and then the paramedics showed up.  The cops said it wasn't my fault, but I have to go get their information later because of them going to the hospital.  My head hurts pretty bad, and my hand got jammed into the steering wheel.  The only marks I have is that you can see where the airbag hit my arm.  And by the way, airbag dust takes sickeningly gross!