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The typical American college student probably waits until the end of a deadline to complete a paper, but very few probably write the paper literally hours before it is due.  With the kind of schedule that I keep, I would like to think that I am fairly efficient, but the one thing that always seems to wait until literally moments before it is due is papers.  I will spare the niceties and just state, I'm a hell of a writer when I want to be and writing a 10 page paper is not an issue....once I start writing it.  However, I tend to wait until the few hours before it is due to complete the paper and scramble to find a place to print the paper off so that it can be handed in by the deadline.  Even when I'm faced with that strict of a deadline, I still seem to find a way to put off writing the paper and even now I find myself updating my blog instead of writing the 15 page paper that's deadline is quickly creeping nearer.  Procrastination at it's best...the internet blogger!